Help users map street addresses
The current system provides longitude and latitude coordinates for cities, but some collections need more specific locations like street addresses. If it can't be incorporated into ViewShare, it would be helpful if there were links to documentation that explains how to do it before uploading.
The geocoding service behind Viewshare has some difficulty resolving street-level coordinates. Here's one way you can do it yourself:
If you go to and look up an address, a Google map will be displayed showing you the general area of the address. From there you can zoom in if necessary, and then click on the "webservice" link, which will give you latitude and longitude values. You then place all the latitude and longitude values in a "Coordinates" column in your spreadsheet in this form:
36.149032, -86.81401
38.808777,-77.066075After you upload the spreadsheet, make sure to edit your view (in the Build page) and set the column to be a "Location." That should enable you to map the locations.