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About Viewshare

About Viewshare is a free web application for generating and customizing unique, dynamic views through which users can experience cultural heritage digital collections. The intended users of Viewshare are individuals managing and creating access to digital collections of cultural heritage materials. Contact us at to request a free account. The site is administrated by the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program at the Library of Congress. runs an instance of Recollection. Recollection is the open source web application that creates this website. Anyone is free to download, add, and edit the Recollection application to create their own sites for creating and sharing interfaces to digital collections. Recollection can be downloaded from the Library of Congress' Recollection Sourceforge page.

The mission of the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP) is to develop a national strategy to collect, preserve, and make available significant digital content, especially information that is created exclusively in digital form. In 2008, the NDIIPP partners shared content through a simple web page. In order to explore more useful tools and processes for sharing diverse content across partners’ collections, the Library began a pilot project in 2009 with Zepheira to develop an environment that can be used to collect and explore information about digital collections. The result is the Recollection platform.

About Recollection

Recollection is built from a series of web-based open standards and open source tools. These include the following:
  • Recollection uses RDF to facilitate the integration of data drawn from diverse sources. RDF is an open, W3C standard that provides a common way for data to be shared and reused.
  • Recollection uses Simile Exhibit to create the collection interfaces.
  • Recollection uses Akara for data transformation. Akara is an umbrella project that provides generalized data processing and transformation capabilities.
  • Recollection uses Django, a Python Web framework.

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